• Last modified 2518 days ago (March 22, 2018)


Appreciate opportunities, remain positive

While many residents are fearful of the possibility of our grocery store closing, there’s also been such overwhelming support for Mike Crow, Zane Smalley, store employees, and many others.

This includes a beautiful bouquet of flowers sent to the store following Jai’s death.

I never got a chance to ask who sent the flowers, but I did see that they were sent by the “Peabody Community.” The thought process behind this beautiful gesture is something I think we can all agree on.

I’m astounded how everyone I speak to feels empathy, first and foremost, toward those affected by the loss of a life. This is another positive factor of living in a small community.

Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a tragedy to spark a notion of appreciation, myself included.

I encourage everyone to remember this the next time you find yourself in a situation filled with emotion.
Ask yourself how you would handle trivial situations if you knew it was the last time you would talk to those you loved?

I also encourage the community to continue to put the grieving process for Mike and Jai’s family first and foremost.

I have all the faith in the world that the many knowledgeable, hard working people of Peabody will combine forces and successfully deal with this tumultuous situation.

And remember, regardless of what happens with Peabody Market, you still have opportunity. Opportunity to go home and hug your spouse, kiss your kids, and maybe even apologize to someone you’ve been holding out on. You are blessed with that choice. Not everyone always is.

—paige carr

Last modified March 22, 2018