• Last modified 1965 days ago (Sept. 26, 2019)


Antique cars on parade

Several vehicles make an appearance every year in the Old Settlers Day parade. Here are a few to look for this week.

1930 Ford AA truck

Dave Leith’s 1930 Ford AA truck is a family heirloom. It was passed down through four generations from his great-grandfather, who bought it new.

The AA is similar to a Model A car, but its chassis is built larger and heavier.

The same chassis was used for funeral coaches, ambulances, and dump trucks.

Leith said his truck was used to haul wheat to the elevator. Its front wheels were hoisted on a lift to unload the wheat.

When the family later bought a truck with a hoist, the 1930 truck was used to haul seed wheat to storage. It also was used to haul bundles of feed to the barn’s hayloft for storage, and then was used to haul them to cattle during winter months.

Leith bought the truck from an uncle in 2015 after it had been sitting in a garage for 20 years. He said it took some work to get it running. The truck has been in two Old Settlers Day parades.

“It’s still exactly like it was when they hauled feed in it,” Leith said.

1940 Studebaker Coupe

“Ol’ Bud,” the 1940 Studebaker Coupe owned by Roger Hannaford, was purchased by Roger’s father, Bud Hannaford, in 1960.

Bud drove it to work every day and frequently showed it off in the Old Settlers Day parade until the early 1990s.

In 2011, Hannaford’s father turned the car over to him to do what he wanted with it. Bud was grand marshal that year and died a week later.

In 2012, Hannaford pulled the car out of the garage where it had been stored and had it hauled to Halstead, where Studebaker expert, Laverne Ediger, restored it. The bumper-to-bumper overhaul included engine repair, brakes, clutch, tires, and the exhaust system.

The car has been in the parade every year since then, which was Hannaford’s goal. He gets it out occasionally and drives it to work.

“My father would be proud,” he said.

1929 Mercedes Benz

The 1929 Mercedes Benz that Chris Costello will be driving will look like a Mercedes Benz but will not be a Mercedes Benz.

The frame and engine are from another car, and the body is a replica of a 1929 Mercedes Benz.

“It’s all about the looks,” Costello said, ‘but it drives like any other car.”

The car was built in 1984 and has a 1984 tag.

Costello and his wife, Paige, take occasional drives in the vehicle.

“It’s been a lot of fun,” he said.

Last modified Sept. 26, 2019