• Last modified 2417 days ago (July 3, 2018)


staff photo by rowena plett

Josh and Katie Ens of Hillsboro were putting up small square bales of prairie hay Saturday along 190th Rd., using a Case 200 baler and Farmall tractor. They prefer small bales over the modern big, round bales because they can store them out of the weather in their barn.

An uncommon sight

Staff writer

It might have been common 50 years ago, but the sight of Josh Ens and his wife, Katie, of Hillsboro putting up small square bales of prairie hay Saturday was unusual.

For Katie, it was unusual, too.

“This is my first year driving the tractor,” she said.

Josh’s father owned the Case 200 baler they were using. It had not been used for some time, but Josh got it into operating condition.

The couple has a small herd of beef cows. Josh likes smaller bales because he can store them in their barn to keep them out of the weather.

They have been married 12 years.

The Case 200 was first produced in 1959. Some balers produced small round bales. Most hay is put up nowadays in large round or large square bales.

Last modified July 3, 2018