• Last modified 2244 days ago (Dec. 24, 2018)


An Advent-ageous church dinner

Staff Writer

Christmas is a season unto itself, dominating the paychecks and minds of Americans from Black Friday until the literal holiday, Dec. 25.

This emphasis convinced Marsha Meyer to propose Wednesday’s inaugural Advent dinner at Valley United Methodist Church in Marion.

“It gives us a chance to step back from the hustle and bustle,” she said. “We get to remember the real meaning and join together with our friends for a nice evening.”

Meyer, joined by her husband and two of her three children, prepared a three-course meal for fellow members of the church.

It was a chance to meet with the church family and discuss traditions before the holiday weekend. Twenty-seven people attended to enjoy the food and decorations.

Pastor Mark Holler placed special emphasis on the recognition of personal customs through discussion and singing of favorite hymns.

“We spend Advent preparing ourselves to receive the Christ child,” he said. “That’s one of the things we talk about, what are some of your traditions from the past? How did you prepare for a Christian Christmas, and what did you find meaningful?”

Meyer first saw the event on a relative’s social media feed with a women’s group from another church.

“I think it’s a new experience for everybody,” she said. “We have a small church, so everybody was invited from young children to those in their 90s.”

Accompanying the food was a medley of decorations. A different person decorated each of the four tables with distinct styles and cutlery. Having others help with the décor was something Meyer expected. Despite the church’s small size as a community, they have a very active congregation, she said.

“Everybody has their gifts,” she said. “Two of the ladies are gifted decorators, and the third said she and her husband watched a lot of HGTV to come up with ideas.”

Last modified Dec. 24, 2018