Contributing writer
Blaine Ammeter had heart surgery at the Galachia Heart Hospital Monday. He got along OK.
Don and Marjorie Gfeller picked LaVonne up Wednesday afternoon and we went to Newton and met Laura Moore and she took us to Wichita to see Blaine and Carol. Wow! What a big place. When we got there Susan and Chuck Good were visiting Blaine and Carol. We came back to Newton to eat. Blaine is going to come home to Ellinwood Thursday.
Ladies Aid met Wednesday at my house. Dorene and Sherry were there. I left early to go to Wichita.
I went to Marion Thursday morning for physical therapy. I went to visit at the nursing home, ate lunch with Laura Brannon and Rubena Jost, and had such a nice visit.
Friday afternoon I went to Legacy Park and visited brother, Don and Aunt Nonie Widler, Emma Shaw, Donna Robb, Dorothy Whisler, and Bill Krause. Shirley and Bill’s brother and wife from El Dorado were there. Had a nice visit with them.
We had church at Summit Sunday. Donna Friesen delivered the message. It was great. Gary Davis visited a while after church. He visited Stan on the way back to Newton.
John Boese and Dylan visited LaVonne Thursday evening.
Granddaughter Emily Haxton called Monday morning from the hospital in Salina to tell me I’d soon have another great-grandchild. At 4:20 Elyse Ranee was born. She weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long. I’m such a proud great-grandma. Everyone is doing fine. Melody and Avery called in the eveyiing. Avery is so proud of his little sister. That makes 15 great-grandchildren. Wow!
I went to Marion Tuesday morning for physical therapy and shopping.
Hope you all have a good week and stay cool.