Contributing writer
LaVonne Ammeter’s granddaughter Emily Haxton of Ellsworth had cancer surgery Nov. 30. She returned home to Ellsworth from Wichita on Dec. 5. She will have a long recovery.
B.J. and LaVonne Ammeter went to Marion for an appointment on Dec. 1.
LaVonne went to Peabody on Dec. 2 to the Peabody Senior Center for a delicious dinner. Later she got groceries. B.J. left for Manhattan to go to the Kansas State University football game Dec. 3.
Stan and John Boese cleaned a buck deer killed by Dylan Boese. Dylan and Dakota Patterson visited with LaVonne Ammeter and had cookies and milk.
On Dec. 4, LaVonne went to Ebenezer Methodist Church and Stan came to the Ammeter farm for supper.
On Dec. 6, Stan Ammeter visited LaVonne Ammeter for lunch.