• Last modified 2475 days ago (May 3, 2018)



These accident reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:


US-77 south of 140th Rd.

Mark Thornburg, 53, Potwin, hit and killed a deer with his 2004 Buick LeSabre at 8:35 p.m. April 24.

Indigo Rd. north of 110th Rd.

Francisco Ayala, 40, Hillsboro, hit a deer with his 2003 GMC Sierra at 7 a.m. April 23.

Sunflower Rd. north of 170th Rd.

Denise Crabb, 40, Marion, was driving north on Sunflower Rd. when the right front tire of her 2003 Buick Rendezvous went off the road. Deputy Michael Ottensmeier reported that Crabb overcorrected and the vehicle crossed the road, overturned, and came to rest in the west ditch at 3:15 p.m. April 22. Crabb had possible minor injuries but was not taken to a hospital. The vehicle was towed.

US-77/56 north of 270th Rd.

Michelle Krantz, 45, and a passenger, Beverly Morrison, 41, both of Lawrence, were southbound in Krantz’s 1996 Infiniti G when the vehicle drifted onto the shoulder. According to deputy Aaron Slater, Krantz overcorrected, and the vehicle crossed the road and hit a guard rail, coming to rest in the middle of the road. Krantz was taken to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita by Lifeteam helicopter. Morrison was taken to St. Luke Hospital. The Infiniti was destroyed.

Indigo Rd. north of 350th Rd.

Jesse Brunner, 65, Tampa, was driving a 2004 Ford F-350 that struck a culvert marker that was bent over into the road at 3 p.m. April 9. Brunner did not report the incident until April 16.


Sports Complex Rd. and D St.

A Lyons school district bus driven by Roger Griffin, 71, Lyons, was making a right turn onto D St. from the sports complex road. According to officer David Funk, when Griffin turned sharply to get out of the way of an approaching westbound vehicle, the right side of the bus struck a stop sign.

400 block of E. A St.

Abigail Fryhover, 15, Hillsboro, was driving a 2003 Ford Ranger owned by Mary McClure of Hillsboro when she stopped on Jefferson at A St. and turned east on A St. Grace Major, 16, Hillsboro, was backing a 1993 Mercury Sable owned by Bruce Major of Hillsboro out of a driveway in the 400 block of E. A St., after reportedly looking both ways and seeing no traffic on A St. The right side of the Ranger hit the right rear corner of the Sable, and a witness reported the Ranger left the scene. According to officer David Funk, Fryhover’s mother called to report the accident. Funk issued a citation to Fryhover for a driver’s license violation. Both vehicles received minor damage.

Last modified May 3, 2018