• Last modified 6044 days ago (Aug. 6, 2008)



The following accidents were reported to Marion County law enforcement agencies:

Xavier Road:

Efrain Fluentes, 36, Herington, was southbound on Xavier Road in a 2003 Dodge Neon at 6:12 p.m. July 28, when he lost control of the vehicle, flipping it on its top after hitting a ditch. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Travis Wilson reported the driver was not injured and there was more than $1,000 in damages. The exact location of the accident was not listed on the report.

Sunflower Road near 170th:

Katlin Hett, 19, 1546 Sunflower Road, Marion, was southbound on Sunflower near 170th in a 2007 Pontiac passenger car at 7:40 p.m. July 28, when a deer came from an east ditch and was struck. The vehicle was registered to Dave Hett of the same address. The driver was not injured and there was more than $1,000 in damages, reported Marion County Sheriff Deputy Matt Vogt.

190th Road near Pawnee:

Heather N. Stepanek, 21, 306 N. Jefferson, Hillsboro, was westbound on 190th Road near Pawnee in a 1997 Ford Escape at 3:35 p.m. July 29, and started to pass a vehicle when another vehicle pulled from a driveway and was struck by the first vehicle. Machelle A. Ratzloff, 39, 1717 190th, Marion, was driving out of a driveway in a 1974 Chevrolet C-10 pickup. Passengers in the truck were Samantha Ratzloff, 10, of the same address, and Elizabeth Williams, 11, 135 N. Roosevelt, Marion. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Larry Starkey reported there were no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.

40th Road near Vista:

Michell A. Moffett, 43, 611 N. Elm, Peabody, was westbound on 40th Road near Vista in a 2003 Toyota pickup in 9 p.m. July 29, when a deer came from a south ditch and was struck. The truck was registered to Lawson Enterprises Inc. of Hutchinson. Spencer Moffett, 15, of the same address, was a passenger. The occupants of the truck were not injured and there was more than $1,000 in damages, reported Deputy Starkey.

Last modified Aug. 6, 2008