The following accidents were reported to Marion County law enforcement agencies:
K-15 near milemarker 140:
Dakota J. Langley, 17, 302 W. Grand, Hillsboro, was southbound on K-15 near milemarker 140 in a 2002 Dodge Dakota pickup at 9:30 p.m. April 25, when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Jim Philpott reported the driver was not injured and more than $1,000 in damages.
U.S.-50 near Clover Road:
Fred A. Cline Jr., 37, Newton, Iowa, was westbound on U.S.-50 near Clover Road in a 2007 Kenworth truck at 9:30 p.m. April 25, when the vehicle struck a deer standing in the roadway. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Larry Starkey reported the driver was not injured and more than $1,000 in damages. The truck was registered to S&J Enterprises, Des Moines, Iowa.
150th Road near K-15:
Eric M. Manley, 30, Newton, was eastbound on 150th Road near K-15 in a 2008 Freightliner truck at 6 a.m. April 28, when a deer came from a south ditch and was stuck. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Duane McCarty reported the driver was not injured and more than $1,000 in damages. The truck was registered to Stutzman Refuse Disposal, Inc., Hesston.