• Last modified 2528 days ago (March 9, 2018)


‘Shooter’ to prowl halls of courthouse April 13

Staff writer

County employees will have a frightening day April 13 as a “shooter” prowls the halls and enters offices looking for victims.

It’s all part of an “active shooter” training to be presented by law enforcement officers.

Hillsboro officer Jessey Hiebert, Marion police chief Tyler Mermis, Loyce Smith, chief court services officer for the Eighth Judicial District, and others will conduct training designed to make sure courthouse employees know how to protect themselves and others if they find themselves confronted by a gun-carrying attacker.

The courthouse will be closed from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 13 during the training.

“It’s a very loud training,” Hiebert said. “It’s a very scary training.”

When the training session is over, people know what to do.

Smith said that when the training was presented in Geary County, one staff member ran through a bolted door to escape.

“It shows how you react when your mind shuts down and you don’t know what to do,” Smith said.

Some employee preparation will be done before the shooter scenario is played out, Hiebert said.

“I don’t want to traumatize everyone so they don’t want to come back to work again,” he said.

Marion police chief Tyler Mermis will help teach shooter training. Mermis said training can be arranged for any entity wanting it, churches, schools, businesses, government bodies, or any group requesting it.

“It can work for anybody,” Mermis said.

To arrange training, contact Mermis at Marion Police Department or Hiebert at Hillsboro Police Department.

Last modified March 9, 2018