• Last modified 665 days ago (April 13, 2023)


$80,000 donated

Orsted, owner of Sunflower Wind, has donated $80,000 to Marion County schools, cities, and nonprofit organizations.

That includes $5,000 toward a rooftop solar installation at the Hub in Peabody.

“Orsted prioritizes being a community partner for the entire duration of our project’s operation,” spokesman Charlotte Bellotte said.

Contributions are “in addition to the economic boost through the project’s construction, as well as local property taxes that will benefit community services,” she said.

These were donations.

In addition to its contribution to Peabody’s youth center, Orsted has given:

  • $20,000 to Marion-Florence schools to support a 2023 recreation program.
  • $20,000 to Peabody-Burns schools to support school improvements and staff appreciation.
  • $10,000 to Marion Advancement Campaign.
  • $10,000 each to Florence Community Foundation and Peabody Community Foundation.
  • $5,000 to Marion County Food Bank.

Last modified April 13, 2023