75 years ago
Feb. 16, 1950
The city completed a deal this week in which an old fire truck will be replaced by a new one. Paul Seifert Motor Co. was the successful bidder. The old truck, which has furnished so many years of service for Marion, was sold to Windom, Kansas.
Florence City Council this week appointed Joe Howard as temporary marshal. He succeeds Ruben Glazebrook, who has been police officer there for the past several months.
Senior Explorer scouts will sponsor a square dance at 9 p.m. Saturday in the city building basement. The popular Dunn and Broadstreet combination will furnish music and calling. Proceeds will go toward sending boys to the National Scout Jamboree.
Six Decca phonograph records, each autographed by Al Jolson, will be given away by Kaw Theatre when the movie “Jolson Sings Again” is shown at the theater Feb. 28 and March 1 and 2.
Members of the local Kiwanis Club and their wives will have a novel ladies night Feb. 20. It will be a traditional box social. Each couple is to bring a box supper for two. These will be auctioned with a minimum price of $1.
Last modified Feb. 13, 2025