• Last modified 2439 days ago (June 7, 2018)


60 gather for Gaines reunion

Sixty family members from Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Missouri gathered Sunday at Peabody Senior Center for the 66th annual Samuel B. Gaines family reunion.

Mary Gaines Olson organized the reunion, which included a potluck dinner.

June Gronau and husband were the only family members representing Samuel’s first family.

Second-generation family members representing Samuel’s second family included Olson, Mary Beth Gaines, Gwen Gaines, Sandy Gaines Stutesman, Richard Gaines, Beverly Gaines Martin, Clayton Gaines Hall, Nancy Gaines Steffen, Clara Mae Gaines DeHaven, Janice Gaines Bair, and Tom Gaines Clark.

Third and fourth cousins were able to meet cousins their age for the first time.

After dinner, a member of each of the families introduced those attending.

Richard Gaines and his sister, Beverly Gaines Martin, had 14 family members attending, but Olson had the most, with 15 family members present.

The group plans to meet again in 2019.

Last modified June 7, 2018