• Last modified 1367 days ago (Aug. 5, 2020)


august 12, 1965

L.L. Hadsell, president of Farmers and Drovers National Bank, has announced that effective the first of September Edward W. Colburn of Torrance, California, will become actively associated with the bank.

Four young Marion men have contracted a good case of “hot rod fever” and have rigged, adjusted, and timed “Old 23”, a 1954 Plymouth. The four, Les Johnston, Wayne Graybeal, Robert Konarik, and Max Robertson Jr. have been “in the money” in the last four out of five races they have entered.

Tina Holmes, attractive and talented daughter of Mr. and Mr. Bill Holmes of Marion, is the Marion Chamber of Commerce’s candidate this year in the “Miss Marion County” contest at the County Fair.

Tuckpointers from the Sager Sandblasting Co. of Hutchinson have sandblasted the Hill Grade School building and are preparing to spray it with clear silicone to preserve its appearance and keep it water resistant.

The federal government is going to count the television sets in Marion County again this year as part of a plan to discover how many of them exist in the nation.

There was only one winner in this week’s Cash Day drawing. Charles J. Heerey Sr. of Marion received $10. Those not present when their names were called were Anna G. Smith of Peabody, Mike Schafer of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Julius Schlotthauer and Charles K. Smith, both of Marion.

Last modified Aug. 5, 2020