• Last modified 2364 days ago (Aug. 23, 2018)


4-H receives grant donation from farmer

Staff writer

Hillsboro farmer Jim Enns has selected Marion County 4-H to receive a donation of $2,500 from an America’s Farmers Grow Communities grant.

Enns said he applied online and was happy to be the Marion County recipient of the grant and pass it on to a nonprofit organization.

He said he chose to give the money to Marion County 4-H because of what it had done for him.

“I grew up involved in 4-H,” he said. “For all the leadership experiences I got from 4-H, this was a good way to give back to it.”

County extension agent Tristen Cope said the money would be used to make improvements at the fairgrounds in Hillsboro.

Grants to farmers through the Monsanto Fund began in 2010 and are awarded annually. Several other county farmers have received them in the past.

Last modified Aug. 23, 2018