4-H program teaches life skills
Celebrate national 4-H week Oct. 7-13
News editor
Today’s youth face multiple challenges daily and 4-H, the country’s largest youth organization, can help them learn skills they will need to overcome these challenges.
“Typically, people think 4-H is for children who live in the country and have animals, which is not entirely true,” Kansas State University, Marion County 4-H agent Tristen Cope said. “Animals are just a few of the many projects that can be taken.”
Research shows youth improve their self-confidence, learn subject matter, and develop important skills including leadership, citizenship, communications and decision making – all of which they’ll need to compete today and in the future.
The Marion County 4-H program is a volunteer-led organization that reaches youth through a variety of programs. It provides fun, educational opportunities at the local, state, national and international levels.
A 4-H project is a learning-by-doing activity available in many subject areas. The program has more than 30 projects to explore such as photography, model rocketry, cooking, robotics, gardening and more — plus numerous animal projects.
There are more than 74,000 young people from across Kansas who participate in 4-H. The program welcomes youth ages 7-18, from both rural and urban settings. In some counties, including Marion, there is a special non-competitive program called Cloverbuds for children ages 5-6.
Parents and other interested adults are encouraged to get involved in 4-H. Enrollment is now open for Marion County 4-H members.
“To enroll, visit our Extension website at www.marion.k-state.edu or call the office at (620)382-2325,” Cope said.
Adults and young teens can become volunteer leaders or assistants, share a skill or knowledge with a group, drive members to activities, supply refreshments for meetings, or sign up to be a project leader.
Older teens are realizing the need for leadership skills and 4-H lets them participate in programs providing leadership to younger members and volunteering in other 4-H opportunities, Cope said.
“Youth learn with new and old friends in clubs and classrooms, and at meetings, social activities, tours, trips, camps and fairs” she said. “They learn about themselves and experience new challenges. Give them a chance to pick their own 4-H adventure that will last a lifetime.”
Last modified Oct. 3, 2018