• Last modified 2401 days ago (July 19, 2018)


4-H member dreams of taking project to big stage

Staff writer

“I want to be in the movies,” Goessel Goal-Getters 4-H member Katelyn Olson said.

But she’s not talking about being an actress. She wants to design all clothes.

“In February, I was watching the Black Panther movie and thought the costumes were really cool,” Katelyn said. “It sparked an interest in me to think about costume design for my project and my career.”

Her dream of becoming a costume designer is a lofty one. Jobs in the field are hard to come by, she said.

“There aren’t an awful lot of jobs in the field around here,” she said. “I will probably have to start in a small theater company to get some experience. Then I want to end up in movie production.”

Katelyn enjoys drawing fashion designs.

Since there usually aren’t patterns for costumes, most designers draw them before they start sewing.

“My ability to sew will certainly help out as most of the costumes are for a single character. You have to be able to put an outfit together for her from scratch,” Katelyn said.

A costume designer needs more than just sewing skills Katelyn has developed in her project.

Before starting an outfit, much research is needed.

“You have to do a deep search of your play or movie before you start,” she said. “If it’s a scene from the 1920s, you have to be sure you are familiar with the fashion of the times.”

Her sewing project this year was started last April and is a copy of a costume worn by Ruby Rose, an American anime cartoon character.

“My experiences in 4-H have helped me build confidence in myself,” Katelyn said.

Her confidence has led her to taking on leadership roles.

Katelyn is a member of the Marion County Fair style revue committee and presented a workshop at last month’s fashion revue clinic.

Her lesson, given to about 20 members, was “Knowing Yourself,” an explanation of how body types can be flattered or not by fabrics, patterns, and cuts of clothing.

“Katelyn has a great eye for elements and principles of fashion design, extension agent Tristen Cope said. “It is such a joy to watch one of our Marion County 4-Hers become immersed in something they are passionate about.”

The public style revue during Marion County Fair will be at 7 p.m. July 23 at Hillsboro United Methodist Church.

Katelyn hopes to continue her education at Kansas State University’s fashion design department.

Last modified July 19, 2018