• Last modified 757 days ago (Nov. 9, 2022)



Happy Hustlers

Rylee Thomas was elected president; Jaxon Salsbury, vice president; Shelby Summervill, secretary / reporter; and Noah Schmidt, treasurer, at Happy Hustlers 4-H club’s Oct. 3 meeting at Marion County Lake hall.

Sara Groening was elected parliamentarian; Eli Groening, song leader; Trent Summervill and Clayton Thomas, recreation leaders; and Rylee Thomas and Noah Schmidt, council representatives.

Twenty-six members, five leaders, and nine parents answer roll by listing their favorite subjects in school.

Cloverbud Leader Tina Groening explained the program and passed out folders to new 5- and 6-year-old members, who will begin meeting next month.

Amy Summervill reported that the club would raise the flag at a Marion High School football game Oct. 7.

Horse leader Joel Thomas announced that horse project members should meet after the club meeting.

The club voted to help Bill & Essie’s Barbecue with a pumpkin Olympics event.

Eli Groening led the club in singing “Happy Birthday” to those with October birthdays. Trent Summervill and Clayton Thomas led members in playing musical chairs.

Refreshments were served by the Schmidt and Duke families.

Shelby Summervill, reporter

Last modified Nov. 9, 2022