• Last modified 1381 days ago (Dec. 9, 2020)


December 13, 1995

Marion Unified School District Board of Education considered a proposal Monday to convert the current middle school at Florence to headquarters and classrooms for Marion County Special Education Cooperative, and to make an addition to Marion High School to serve sixth through eighth grades. No decision was made.

An article by staff writer Rowena Plett tells how several German-Canadian farm families traveled by train to Florence, Kansas, with the men exploring the countryside on foot and horseback, finally choosing land, on which to settle, near what is now known as Canada.

Carolyn Moore is pictured as she looks through decorations on the angel tree at the Kraft Korner containing suggestions for gifts for deserving individuals.

Pipers John Jordan and Jim Lindsey, dressed in authentic highland Scottish garb, including kilts and sporran, played their bagpipes Thursday for second graders in Ginger Becker’s classroom at Marion Elementary School.

Neighborhood women were invited to the home of Bea Kelsey Saturday morning for a Christmas coffee. Those attending were Cleo Loomis, Marjorie Sandwell, Lola Wheeler, Billie Slusser, Randee Loomis, Bernadine Westerhaus, Peggy Blackman, and Betty Thompson. Also present was a friend of the hostess, Ruth Jo Penner.

Anita Hancock, Marion Elementary School music teacher, is a member of the Wichita Chamber Chorale whose concert “Sounding Joy” will air this month, two times on radio and one time on television.

Last modified Dec. 9, 2020