• Last modified 1381 days ago (Dec. 9, 2020)


december 3, 1880

We understand that W.J. Groat (Willie) contemplates starting a paper in Hillsboro, the first number to be issued about the first of next January. Hillsboro is a flourishing town. We are proud of the place. Its growth and prosperity is particularly gratifying to us, personally, from the fact that being a product of the M. & M. railroad, it is therefore a sort of vindication of our course in advocating the extension of aid to that enterprise by Risley township, for which we were severely denounced by some of its citizens. And then we like Willie Groat—excuse us, Mr. W.J. Groat, we always remember him as our apprentice, and speak of him familiarly—and we are glad that Hillsboro’s first newspaper is to be a good, decent one.

The Florence Herald last week contained the valedictory of Mr. W.F. File, who after a year’s labor in the editorial chair steps down and out and surrenders the pen and scissors to his old predecessor, Mr. H. Morgan, who will continue the publication at the old stand. Our relations with Mr. File have been of the most pleasant character, and we regret very much his retirement from a profession which he loves and never abused. He labored under great difficulties, and yet by his management of the Herald he made friends not only for himself and paper, but also for Florence. We extend greeting to Mr. Morgan, and trust the Herald and Record may be able to maintain their present pleasant relations.

Last modified Dec. 9, 2020