• Last modified 29 days ago (Feb. 13, 2025)


Feb. 18, 1915

Ralph Bryan will begin his work with Walker Bros. on the first of March. He will be head clerk. As Mr. Walker plans to travel, he will be in charge of the store much of the time.

Walker Bros. has been in the men’s furnishings business at El Dorado for some time, and for a number of years Mr. Walker was a traveling salesman handling goods in the line.

The store here will have an up-to-date stock of goods and will carry some of the leading makes.

Mrs. E.W. Hoch accompanied Governor Hoch to Topeka on Monday to hear Helen Keller, who spoke there that evening. She returned Wednesday.

The mumps have taken a new start east of Marion. They are in six or seven families in District 56, and there are a few new cases in Youngtown.

Ira Smith has purchased Shorty’s Café from B.H. Wright and has taken possession this week. He secured the services of a good cook from Wichita, believes he will satisfy the trade, and will be pleased to have your patronage.

A Valentine social Saturday night at Youngtown was very well attended considering the bad roads. A gypsy fortune teller was quite an attraction and acted the part quite well. The proceeds, amounting to more than $22, will be used to finish paying for an organ that was purchased by the school.

Last modified Feb. 13, 2025