• Last modified 62 days ago (Jan. 8, 2025)


jan. 14, 1915

Marion Hospital Association took charge of the hospital Friday of last week. The city’s two private hospitals — the Smith-Goodsheller hospital and the Marner-Coffman hospital —have been discontinued, and the new Marion Hospital will be a county institution. Zoe Marner, who has had many years of successful experience as a nurse, is serving as matron, and Miss Railsback has been employed as a nurse.

New county officers assumed their duties at “high noon” Monday, and the event was celebrated by a dinner together. The “exes” appeared to be bearing up bravely, and the new officers conducted themselves with becoming modesty, and a lovely time was had by all who were there.

John Gardner has taken an office room in the Record building and will do a real estate, loan, insurance, and abstracting business. He is associated with E.S. Hannaford in the abstracting business.

“Bobby,” a little Shetland pony belonging to Judge Greer’s children, died yesterday morning. There was real grief not only in the Greer household but also among children off the neighborhood. Bobby was not just a pony; he was a neighborhood institution. He was the pet of every child for many blocks around. Kind and gentle and with a full share of pony sense, if there is a pony heaven, Bobby must have gone there. He was sick only a few days.

Last modified Jan. 8, 2025