• Last modified 1315 days ago (Oct. 1, 2020)


september 30, 1920

As a result of several meetings and discussions, we wish to announce the formation of a Community Guild, consisting of the young ladies over sixteen years of age, from the several churches of the town. The purpose of this organization is for the study of missions, and also for carrying on local missionary work. All interested girls are invited to attend the first meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 5, with Mrs. J.R. Beard.

Adv — Special children’s matinee at The Garden Saturday morning at 10:30. Wholesome Film Company’s wonderful picture, “Little Red Riding Hood.” Little kids 10c. Big kids 20c.

Walter Reed was up from Texas last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed of Antelope.

Clinton Kraft, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kraft, was run down and slightly hurt Monday by a Maxwell car driven by the Whitford boys. The car, which according to bystanders was driven in a careless manner, was behind him when in front of the post office. He fell from his bicycle and the car passed over him. In some way he came through with a sprained wrist and a few minor bruises.

The District Court, which meets next week, faces one of the longest dockets ever before a single term of the court here. Three murder cases, several robbery cases and a long list of civil cases are to be tried.

The Rexall store straw vote on the two presidential candidates is showing a two to one vote throughout the county in favor of Harding.

Last modified Oct. 1, 2020