• Last modified 1362 days ago (Aug. 12, 2020)


aUgust 12, 1920

The Peabody band and quite a number of boosters for the Chautauqua there were through here Friday afternoon. The band gave several numbers on Main Street. The local Chamber of Commerce took the visitors to Ferm’s Bakery where they were served with cold drinks.

District 64—Fairplay—in the oil district is building a 2-room school house with all modern equipment to accommodate their increasing population.

PIANO SPECIAL — We have two player and two straight pianos that we must sell soon and are making extra low prices to close out this month. Weimer Music Co.

Wm. Kaniper started for Illinois by auto today, taking a Shetland pony in a trailer. Mr. Knott had promised the pony to his niece and they were taking it in this manner. Lewis Appleby accompanied Mr. Kaniper on the trip.

William Jennings Bryan will speak at the Marion Chautauqua in the afternoon on Friday, Aug. 27th.

Brick has been hauled for the pavement of one block each way from Main and Second street, and for Water street, just south of the Record building to join the Second street paving.

The Grand Mercantile Co. is preparing to put a new face on the south side of their store building, facing the courthouse. The building will be faced with brick.

Last modified Aug. 12, 2020